Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Black Lives Matter go to Washington D.C. and demonstrate.

To day the Mall of America is in court to have an injunction against Black Lives matter demonstrating at there. Why? Because most of teh demonstrators come across as bullies and will not demonstrate where they should, Washington D.C.  Some are black and white, probably college students who do not work for a living and others collect Welfare and do not work.

These demonstrators do not have a right to stop a business from operating or citizens from going to these business. If those in the Black Lives Matter would read the Constitution, something this nation was found on, they would realize that they are breaking the law. The First Amendment does state that citizens may petition Congress on their grievances. That being said, Black Lives Matter need to go demonstrate with a petition in front of the White House and Congress about what they believe as being discrimination.

To all of these demonstrators I say this, "As long as you force those who wish to work; no matter their race,  such as businesses, and who do not take a handout from the taxpayers who do work and pay taxes, then you will always find anger from others.

Black Lives Matter, take your grievances to Washington, not to businesses, malls, and halting traffic. You are cowards who fear the law of this land that was set up to protect the innocent hard workers from being dictated to by a President and Congress as well as being discriminated against because of being White!

Ida M Temple


Monday, December 21, 2015

What is Congress afraid of?

Why dose U.S. government not want to put a stop to ISIS or be diligent enough to find those that wish to destroy America? For instance the Democrats, Obama and Clinton show no effort on wanting to prevent terrorists from influencing the misguided angry young citizens in the United States, nor put a stop to those killing Christians and Jews around the world.
We elected candidates to not only represent us but to protect us from the evil outside sources. It seems that those in the U.S. government is more interested in money and power than they are of putting a stop to the Islamic Terrorists Organizations. I have yet to hear anyone in our government suse the phrase "Islamic Terrortists!" 
Do you think that Obama is a Muslim and a Dictator that those in Congress fear? Or do they think like Obama and want to control the citizens of the U.S.A. to become like those in Cuba and how China citizens are controled today? I can't help but wonder.
Ida Temple