Monday, March 28, 2016

Republican and Super Pacs are at it again!

Again the news caters to the Republican Party echelons and the Super Paces as they throw out more dirt on the two candidates vying for the Presidency. The most recent was noted in the tabloid Enquire and then over the news stations.

This opinion piece is directed at Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Stop behaving like children and get down to basics. Tell us, "We the People", what your goals are for protecting the citizens and this nation. If you do not, then you have ensured that the Democratic Party will have the White House again. Please head this warning and start fight for America instead of nit-picking each other.

If you want to win then talk to the voters. This voter is becoming upset with the bickering and boyish behavior of you Mr. Trump and Senator Cruz. I would like to see one of you in office. When you disappoint the citizens, (voters), then you are the loser more so than this United States of America, "United We Stand Divided We fall"!

It is too much for me to repeat here due to the fact I have not one shred of evidence that this latest report is true or not. Spreading rumors does not good for anyone, especially candidates that want the citizens votes for political office.

Ida Temple - The Modern Conservative

Friday, March 25, 2016

Trump Versus Cruz

Here we go again, boys being boys. Recently, Trumps wife, who was a model a few years back, had risqué photos taken of her. It wasn't long before Cruz or one of his representatives sent the photo out for the world to see. And then Trump had to place Cruz's wife's photo next to his wife's photo.

This two who want to lead this nation come across as being crude and will do anything to become elected to the highest position in the United States of America,  the Presidency. Do they really believe this type of adolescent behavior will show their not fit for this great position?

Whom can we trust? I like what Trump said he will do once he is President; Hannity asked him after reading what Trump stated many times during his rallies, and Trump replied, "Yes", without hesitation.

Of course Cruz, as a lawyer, argued to the U.S. Supreme Court on Constitutional matters. So this sort of action may be something we need to consider when choosing who we wish to lead our nation.

No matter which one is chosen, they must always put this nation and its citizens above everything and everyone else. There can be no leeway. I have always believed in comprise unless the comprise brings harm to me or my family. Then all bets are off.

I prefer and trust Donald Trump, because he comes across as being strong on the military, illegal immigration, ISIS, and jobs. As a Christian, I believe in God and those who say Trump is not Christian should refrain from this unless they know him personally. 

The Super Pacs and the Republican Party need to get over themselves and pay attention to the citizens, not to somebody who may be controlling and only out for themselves and the highest office in the land!

Ida Temple
A Modern Conservative