Sunday, October 23, 2016

Morals and Ethics in America!

It seems that ethics and morals left in the early sixties when it was believed that we need to accept everyone as they are and how they behave. Why? Back then it was usually the same reason, how they were raised. If their parents were abusive, bigoted, or felt they were treated wrong and should be rewarded for it. Back then many were called the flower children.

Today, 2016, ethics and morals seemed to have disappeared in the United States of America.

And many of this could be contributed to professional sport players. One refused to have dinner at West Point because of being against war.

Another professional football played was in England and refused to stand up for our Anthem. Oh, and this poor excuse for a man has seven children by many women and is paid a lot of money!

Is it not time for the citizens to take back their country and put a stop to such unethically and immoral acts against our nation? How do you ask?

Simple. The first place is to stop attending professional sports, whether in person or watching TV cable. After all money is always the top dog when wanting to have what we want and will do anything for it.

Secondly, we the people need to protest and demonstrate against these atrocities that are taken place by those who earn enormous sums or those who want something for nothing; owed, earning, etc.

Thirdly, adults need to set positive, ethical, and moral actions for the children to follow. Children will grow up to become adults and most will follow the examples they have witnessed. And when they behave like those they learned from then they are disciplined and treated horrible.

Years ago I remember hearing I am an adult and a child must do as I say. Of course these was related to discipline. Back then adults felt that what they did was okay but not when the kids did likewise

If we do not put a stop to such erroneous behavior right away then the children will not stand a chance for peace and serenity and for this country to remain free forever.

We should be ashamed if we do not change our ways and protect this precious gift from God.