Thursday, April 13, 2017

Whatever is Wrong is now Right

It seems that in today’s world people seem not to do what is right; laws, politeness, gratefulness, sensitivity, and the governments. 
We seemed to be wrapped up in our own little world and ignore or forget those who have helped us along the way and even showed love and forgiveness.
The more this becomes the norm the more likely we will have an angry violent world. This will teach the children around us, or our own, that this is the way to behave. Is this not wrong?
All of us have problems and worries but this should not prevent us from being kind, loving and treating others with respect. However, if another shows us disrespect should we not do the same in return? My answer is no. We must walk away with our head held high, knowing we did the best we could as a human being and rather than being disrespectful we walk away until this person feels good about his or herself.
Having almost always turned the other cheek, and be known to some as a whoosh, I still do this even at the young age of 77. I state this not as arrogance but as an example that “what we sow we shall reap.” Caring for another does not mean you are weak.
To the young who may be reading this I say, be careful how you behave because it could come back to bite you
Ida Temple
Mansfield PA