Monday, June 12, 2017

Entertainers call for the demise of President Trump

Today Fox News, probably the only news station, reviewed a play that prompted Pres. Trump speaking and then being pulled off the podium and those that did this were white and behaving like gang bangers.
What do shows like this teach the children, especially those who are angry and filled with hate against another, especially if they are adults?
We the people need to stop paying entertainers who spread such hatefulness. When it begins to affect their pocketbooks, then and only then, will they defend this nation and the citizens that voted Donald J Trump into office?
If Trump were an average citizen who ran for office, he or she would probably be treated the same way. Why? Because they are not politicians and most citizens want to make a positive difference in this nation, not see it destroyed by jealous, power-hungry individuals.
Citizens we need to put a stop to the destruction of the United States of America by such people, including many who are Democrats. If we do not take a stand there will be no more Constitution and we will be ruled by dictators. Is this what we want?

Monday, June 5, 2017

Democrats Are in an Unreal World

Today the Democrats do not seem to be living in the real world. They are doing everything they can to not only bring President Trump down but the American citizens, too.

The world today is an unsafe place no matter what country or state we live in. Terrorists are winning by murdering and destroying anything and anyone who is a positive thinker. Our President is such a person. He believes that strength, optimism, and changing our attitudes/behaviors, will lead us in the right direction.

For instance, the President wants to have a travel ban, probably like what my grandmother and her family had to do in the 1800’s. They remained on Ellis Island, New York until they were cleared to enter the United States. Today if our President and Congress do this they are stopped by judges and justices who refuse to follow the Constitution and in protecting this nation and its people. Why? 
This nation was born under the premise of Abraham’s Lincoln’s message, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the Earth.”[i]
It seems even back then, the Democrats wanted to run this nation their way, even if it hurt the citizens. Today, they, and some justices do not seem to care. They truly believe that what they say and do is the only correct way to do or behave.
Democrats seemed to cater to those who have their hand out or who blame others for their problems. They blame the Republicans, Police, Christians, Jews, and all others who earn what they want and who believe in following law and order. 
The most unlawful recent act was a demonstration that became violent, negative, destroying businesses, and they did not seem to have faith in God.
We the people make our own choices and if we choose wrongly, then we often blame God and others. Aren’t the Democrats doing the same thing?
Ida Temple
Mansfield PA
