Friday, January 5, 2018

Is illegal immigration that important?

On Jan. 3, 2018, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement reported that in Columbus Ohio members of MS 13 were charged with numerous crimes including intimidation, drug sales and owning arms and ammunition. Many were deported and then returned. Does this not mean we need to pay more attention to the illegal immigrants who have entered this nation, the United States of America, by any means possible to rob, murder, and steal (benefits meant for citizens only.
Some here illegally.Most liberals do not want a wall built to keep out those who come here illegally. The liberals and the ACLU believe those who wish the wall to be built are racists. But will not condemn those illegal immigrants who do not commit crimes and refuse to let the federal government know who is in the MS-13 gang.
Those who wish to protect the above need to show empathy for those victims and their families who have bee harmed and murdered by the murderous group. Having been robbed at knifepoint I know what it is like to be afraid of being harmed or murdered.
Those liberals who protect illegals, including the sanctuary cities, need to fire their bodyguards that they hide behind and join the citizen whose only protection is themselves and the police who are so willing to give up their lives for strangers.
If you agree with the above statement then stand behind the wall building and deporting of illegal immigrants. We need to allow immigrants who are waiting on a list to enter our nation, they deserve much more than the ACLU the liberals are giving to gang-bangers and all illegal immigrants