Monday, June 25, 2018

MS13 – A Terrorists Group

Terrorists – So-called human beings that use coercion, abuse, murder to force others to join their organization. Is this not what the MS13 organization is?

MS13 began in El Salvador and ended up in Los Angeles in the 1980’s. Since then this murderous gang is across the country.

MS-13’s motto is “mata, viola, controla” – which means "kill, rape, control," according to Robert Hur, an official with the Justice Department.

The above explanations are just that, my research and want to know just who this horrible gang is. Why can they run rampant throughout the United States of America?

Having lived in the Los Angeles area, Pico Rivera to be exact, I saw the influx of immigrants, legal and illegal. The only ones that spoke English were the children in these families. The adults couldn’t or wouldn’t.

Then as now, the Americans were accused of being bigoted. And of course, the same theme back then as now was America is an immigrant nation and discovered by immigrants.

Although the above is so true, my grandmother was an immigrant child from Germany, this does not mean that people, immigrants or citizens, disrespect others and the nation they immigrant too.

Do you believe those we have elected fear MS13, as well as all immigrants, or do they desire to remain in office, so they ignore the problems from such horrible people just to be elected?

My fear is that this may be true and that the American children are doomed to live in a peaceful nation where they will be free to speak, vote and enjoy life to the fullest without the fear of being gang-banged on or murdered because they refuse to join a gang, no matter the gang.

Ida Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

Friday, June 22, 2018

Paula's Choice Skincare - Classified Ad

Paula's Choice Skincare - Classified Ad
Americans Disrespectful Attitude

This article is my concern on how the young people of today disrespect the United States and the citizens who disagree with them. 
On Flag Day, Thursday, June 14th, Fox news showed two young people, their heads, and faces covered, torching a Flag at a school. As they ran away all you saw were the pair wearing hoodies and running from the burning flag. Where did they learn such disrespect for, not only the flag, but another’s property, (taxpayer and government)? Young people, you need to watch your language, and anger when you do not have your way and end up taking out on this God-given nation, for "what goes around comes around".
It is time to send those who are hateful to our democracy, the Constitution, and the representations, to a place like China, Cuba, or any Communistic nation so they can learn all about freedom of speech and protests. Do you or others think the two young boys of the above situation would get away with destroying a flag if they lived in another country?
The new government in 1789 established the Constitution of the United States for the citizen's rights over the governments. It allows we the people free speech along with other rights. But when free speech includes burning our flag, abolishing the Constitution, (as some in Congress wish to do), or disrespect for this nation and its people, then may God help the U.S. 
Then as now, there were those who believed they could do whatever they wished, such as disrespecting another, invading somebody’s property, practice their religion, and above all the right to vote.
Our nation was young and experienced some growing pains. Citizens did not always agree with each other or the government and the laws they established. Because of this, there were two significant wars, the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
God gifted us this nation and He can take it away. If we do not enforce the laws of the land and punish those who wish to destroy it, then is it not time for God to say enough is enough?
We must preserve, respect, and leave positive actions for the children of this great nation to follow; ("the apple does not fall far from the tree"!), so when they reach adulthood they too can enjoy the same freedoms of today. Do you not agree?

Ida M Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

P.S. I place a link of an ad that whoever uses it and buys we receive commissions which will go to help the Mansfield Tea Party to begin setting up town hall meetings with the candidates of our district, (the 68 district).  The Skincare products are made in America.
Ida Temple thanks you for your support