Monday, August 27, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance is one motto of the United States of America

From Fox News, it was reported that a CT chairman of a Connecticut school district's board of education stated, and I quote, “He doesn't pledge allegiance to anything and supports "principles on which the country was founded."
Question, “How can he support the principles that this country was founded on?”
If we do not like this country and its mottos or principles, then maybe this man, as well as others, should leave.
The pledge, the flag, and our constitution; the groundwork that our forefathers worked diligently to put together and to be respected, should be respected. If it hadn’t been for them then maybe all of us should think about where we would be if this had not happened.
Are some trying to rule the socialist/communist way? Do they want all citizens on their knees and do as they are told, (ordered or else)?
Agreeing to disagree is one thing but wanting to destroy this nation is unacceptable. The man above, or athletes that are paid millions of dollars because of citizens attending their games, should be ashamed as to what they are teaching the children who might be looking up to them and following their ways! Is that not how many countries under a dictatorship was born?
Ida Temple

Mansfield PA

Thursday, August 23, 2018

America the Beautiful

The United States of America is so beautiful, plus it is great no matter what politicians or citizens may say or believe. We will always help others who will help themselves but will not be taken advantage by the rest of the world! Turning the other cheek only goes so far; until pushed into the ground!