Saturday, November 17, 2018

Do most of the Democrats want a Communistic Country?

As of this writing it seems to this writer that many Democrats want complete control of this country and its citizens. They want to decide what is good for us and what is not.
Citizens elect representatives, federal and state, for protection from outsiders, and those who wish to abolish our laws set by the Constitution.
Why is it that Conservatives are the ones who cause trouble for others? Just what is Conservatism?  As a general ideologyConservatism is opposed to the ideals of Liberalism and Socialism. Conservatism generally refers to right-wing politics which advocate the preservation of personal wealth and private ownership (Capitalism) and emphasize self-reliance and Individualism.
It is time for all citizens to stand up to protect this nation from those who will not follow our laws or sneak over our borders, south and north. When you wish to come to any country you must follow their laws and learn their language. It is called comprising or coming together for a common cause, the laws.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party