Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Christian Pennsylvanian’s Outrage

Having been born in Philadelphia and then had to move up to northern PA in a rural, I take offense of this newly elected legislator; Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell called the Christian prayer a direct example of “Islamophobia.”
Christianity has been here ever since the death of Christ who died for our sins; all people. If she has a problem with Christianity, then maybe she and her family should return to Islamic countries. I cannot help but wonder why the came here. Would they be allowed to speak freely without repercussions?
This woman has a right to her opinions just as I have with this article. It is not putting her down but defending my faith and how so many Christians keep turning the other cheek.
Christians have one solid foundation; “Love everybody no matter their nationality, race, or gender.”
I have tried to do this in my life. At the age of 79 I become frustrated when those who do not like Americans and want to destroy this nation and turn it into a Socialist/Communist nation is almost more than I can bear.
I forgive this young woman and hope she does well without condemning those of other religions or nationalities.
Our forefathers came to America because they were told what to do and how to do it and had to follow what others said they must do or else, just as this young woman is trying to do today in 2019.
Overbearing politicians was the reason the Constitution was written and passed. I thank my God every day for this great gift he gave to human beings.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party