Saturday, June 22, 2019

United We Stand

United We Stand is an organization for the people and by the people. It was begun so that the citizens of God’s gift, the United States of America, shall always remain free from those who wish to control this nation and its citizens.

Our goal is to have as many citizens in this organization as we can so that our voices are loud, clear, and endless!

The originator, Ida M Temple, has been involved in some way or another on keeping the United States free and secure for the future generations, (the children). 

If you agree please join her with your voices and if you so desire to belong to this free organization then send you email address, (used for this only) to Ida at the email address below.  

It will be coming out on Fridays beginning with next Friday, June 28, 2019.

The more voices we have the more noise we make!

Ida M Temple