Saturday, April 2, 2016

President Obama Commuted 248 Individuals

So far many individuals have been commuted that were serving a life sentence. Obama wrote a letter to 6 individuals stating;"The power to grant pardons and commutations . . . embodies the basic believe in our democracy deserve a second chance after having made a mistake in their lives that led to a conviction under our laws." (

The above is fine unless they have committed murder. Forgiveness is a great action, but allowing those who murder have the same rights as those alive, or of those that would have been able to live, is against the ten commandments. "You shall not commit murder." (Exodus 20:1-17, NKJV)

We need to stop this type of action before we lose our great nation, The United Stated of America, "one nation under God."

There are times when we seem to forget the above quote. The laws are for all and everybody, alive or deceased, to obey them. That is why we have law enforcement and the justice system. Sadly, today those who break our laws, or do the unthinkable as to committing murder, seemed to excused, (forgiven), from obeying them.

I am by no means innocent of making mistakes or breaking some of our laws or the ten commandments. I would also like to believe that where my family is concerned I would not kill someone. Of course being Irish and German, I probably would not let anybody get away scot free from hurting my family.

However, I have never, nor would I ever commit murder due to insults or any type of physical or mental abuse, to me or my family. An "Eye for an Eye" never solves problems, only brings on more violence.

This was the reason our laws were enacted. We have cops, prosecutors, and judges to make those who break our laws or harm another, to answer for their crimes. 

Ida TempleMansfield PA

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