Friday, May 26, 2017


In 622 AD, Muhammad and his band of followers who did not have much of any political power moved to a city called Yathrib [now renamed Medina, which in Arabic means the city of the prophet]. Yathrib had a thriving Jewish population who were quite well off. Muhammad moved from his tribe's city of Mecca because he was not accepted in his role as a prophet or leader. In Medina, he gained power by multiple methods, some of which changed over time.
Islamic history is thus dated from the time of the immigration to Medina as it marks the turning point in Islamic history from being in an oppressed minority situation to becoming the majority in terms of religious, political, and military power. This pattern has repeated itself throughout history.
At present four hijrah, (migration for Allah)[1], tactics are being used to gain control of certain areas, birth rates, immigration, and political systems and expulsion of non-Muslims from certain areas by numerical and sometimes dominance by force—[think of the effect of documented rape-gangs), in areas of Great Britain.
As we all know there have been murders in the United States by those who follow ISIS and wish to abolish our Constitution and replace it with Shariah Law, (regulates public behavior, private behavior and even private beliefs)[2]. Are we going to allow this? Or are we the people going to be headed in that direction?
Our representatives must be held accountable, (Republican or Democrat), in following the Constitution that our ancestors fought for, as well as to do the will of the people!
Ida Temple


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