Tuesday, August 29, 2017

White Boom Bowl

Turn up the volume! Our White Boom Bowl does just that when you place your cell phone or MP3 player in it. It amplifies sound by +15 decibels, producing crystal clear quality sound due to its acoustic design and its portable, so you can take it anywhere.

If you are like me, a senior citizen and slightly hard of hearing here is a great item, so you and I do not miss one word of the conversation.
Turn up the volume! Our White Boom Bowl does just that when you place your cell phone or MP3 player in it. It amplifies sound by +15 decibels, producing crystal clear quality sound due to its acoustic design and its portable so you can take it anywhere.
The Boom Bowl does more than just amplify sound; it serves as a contemporary addition to your decor. The white hi-low circular design makes a great addition to any room, and you'll be amazed by the incredible sound difference it makes. Weight 1 pounds Dimensions 5" x 5" x 4.5" UPC Number: 843730055366 Material(s): CERAMIC
In Stock
Item:  12010642

Monday, August 28, 2017

The U.S.A.'s Worst Disaster

On Friday Harvey, a Category 4 hurricane, came ashore at Houston Texas and left vast destruction and flooding. Today Monday, Aug. 28, the flooding was still going on. It was considered to be the worst disaster in America.
What I found upsetting was a number of people that drove through flooded streets causing rescue crews to save them.
Granted some may have been rescuing crews to help stranded people on house roofs as well as vehicles. but for those who were not these people made it difficult for crews to help everyone. Of course when we become afraid then sometimes we make hasty decisions. Hopefully, there were very few deaths, if any.
As a senior citizen who is unable to physically to go to Texas to help, all I can do is offer prayers for everyone and this updated blog. I humbly ask that those reading this will say a prayer for those in Texas to remain safe, well, and with their loved ones, people as well as their animals.
Also, as an animal lover and owner, I discovered that a pet rescue group, www.austinpetsalive.org, is helping to find and rescue the animals that had to be left behind.
For those who wish to help you can visit their site or visit my new online store, www.itsagiftstore.com, and make a purchase and 15% of every sale to Pay Pal will go to this fine organization.
I will also donate a small amount from my social security as a way of saying thank you for your selfless drive to save those who did not have a voice or no way of getting out of this disaster without help.
Again thank you for reading this blog and for doing what you can to help the citizens of this great nation that God gave to us.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Violence in America

Attention: all races, white, blacks, Hispanics, Asian, and last but never least the Jewish race. Over the weekend a supporter of neo-Nazism ran, a poor excuse of a human being, drove his car into a rally in Charlottesville VA,  knocking a woman across it then backed up, and sped into a crowd. He killed a young woman and injured 13 others.All Americans must come together to put a stop to this, if it takes holding parents responsible for violent, bigoted speech and attitudes around their children, then so be it. Most of us, if we pay attention to our own attitudes, know that children follow an adults lead. This is one of the reasons American citizens have become violent.
Violence and bigotry have no place in the gift of this nation that God allowed citizens of the United States of America to be born in. this does not mean we should ignore bad attitudes, only that if we have a positive, non-violent attitude then our children will follow suit.I beg everyone reading this to think about yourselves, I must chastise myself a lot when we begin to lose our temper and patience in judging others. When those who could care less about what we are trying to do to keep this nation free, and positive, then walk away from them and give them nothing. This may be harsh, but we should not reward those who are hateful, bigoted, and violent through their behavior. We must stop this now if America is to remain free of groups like ISIS and Dictators.

Ida M TempleMansfield PA

P.S. The following link may be of interest, 
<a href="http://b70017yro2715v3113z1e1du2x.hop.clickbank.net/" target="_top">Click Here!</a

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Justice Equal or Unequal

Is there justice equality in America? There have been protests over the years for those who have been arrested or charged that they were treated unfairly because of their race or gender.
The U.S. legal system is in part inherited from English common law and depends on an adversarial system of justice. In an adversarial system, litigants present their cases before a neutral party. The arguments expressed by each litigant (usually represented by lawyers) are supposed to allow the judge or jury to determine the truth about the conflict. Besides presenting written or oral arguments, evidence and testimony are collected by litigants and their lawyers and presented to the court.
Many rules exist regarding how evidence and testimony are presented, trial procedure, courtroom behavior and, etiquette and how evidence and testimony are presented. These rules are designed to promote fairness and allow each side an opportunity to adequately present its case. Of course, some evidence and testimony could be tainted and some witnesses might lie under oath.  Could this be why a few people in prison are there because of lies and tainted evidence?
As a white female who has never felt this or been treated this way, I cannot speak on an injustice. But that should never be the reason for being treated justly or unjustly. We must be judged by our attitudes, honesty, how we treat others, and never on our ethnicity. 
Ida M Temple
Mansfield PA 16933