Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Violence in America

Attention: all races, white, blacks, Hispanics, Asian, and last but never least the Jewish race. Over the weekend a supporter of neo-Nazism ran, a poor excuse of a human being, drove his car into a rally in Charlottesville VA,  knocking a woman across it then backed up, and sped into a crowd. He killed a young woman and injured 13 others.All Americans must come together to put a stop to this, if it takes holding parents responsible for violent, bigoted speech and attitudes around their children, then so be it. Most of us, if we pay attention to our own attitudes, know that children follow an adults lead. This is one of the reasons American citizens have become violent.
Violence and bigotry have no place in the gift of this nation that God allowed citizens of the United States of America to be born in. this does not mean we should ignore bad attitudes, only that if we have a positive, non-violent attitude then our children will follow suit.I beg everyone reading this to think about yourselves, I must chastise myself a lot when we begin to lose our temper and patience in judging others. When those who could care less about what we are trying to do to keep this nation free, and positive, then walk away from them and give them nothing. This may be harsh, but we should not reward those who are hateful, bigoted, and violent through their behavior. We must stop this now if America is to remain free of groups like ISIS and Dictators.

Ida M TempleMansfield PA

P.S. The following link may be of interest, 
<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a

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