Friday, July 20, 2018

Who is behind the violent protests?

Every news item and update on the protests going on in the United States seemed to be violent and want to destroy this great nation, beginning with the burning of our national symbol, our beautiful red, white, and blue FLAG!
My next statement, I am a white female, will be construed as being bigoted, which I have never been. However, I do judge others by their actions, (character), and words, no matter who they are.
The most recent such action as mentioned above was by a group of young people, most were black, as they burned the flag in front of Maxine Waters office in California. I can only assume that she is proud of teaching the young people, no matter their race, on how to be disrespectful, rude, and ignorant.
This is not to say they do not have a right to free speech, but they do not have a right to destroy another’s property such as the U.S. Flag which belongs to the citizens of this great nation that God allowed all of us to be born in.
Who is to blame for such bad behavior? I guess we can start with parents, celebrities, other adults, and of course those that were elected by the people as a representative for all citizens.
We need to go back to when I was a young person in the fifties. If I had behaved the way they do today my mother would have taken action, immediately. We would have been disciplined, no fun time, friends, TV, etc. We would have been stopped in our tracks and taught American History and the polite correct way to go about protesting.
My parents, Dad was a Republican and Mom a Democrat, taught us to argue.
Most of today’s young are used to almost free college, free room and board, food, etc. But because we now have a President that believes that we should earn our way this makes those that receive freebies mad and want Pres. Trump impeached.
Oh, and we cannot forget that the Democrats lost the election and are catering to the young and other citizens for now! If they had won then it would not be much different than what is being done today.
The Democrats appear to be selling their souls to become elected. And if they had then those who believed could have ended up regretting it because the Democrats would be pulling the strings and making all of us dance to their tune!
If the protesters were mainly white I would be saying the same thing. No matter our race we must set positive mannerly examples for the young to follow. As an old saying goes “The apple does not fall far from the tree.” How true that quotes is today!

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