Friday, December 28, 2018

A Possible Illegal at it again

Another police officer was murdered the day after Christmas in California, a sanctuary state. The murderer is supposedly another illegal immigrant. He is still on the loose as of this writing.
When will all Americans stand up with cops and get rid of the politicians that are only interested in power, never the citizens of this great nation and often defend illegal immigrants?
I have had it with states and cities believing that those of us who wish ALL illegal immigrants removed from this county are bigoted. We love this nation and wish to keep it safe. Citizens that break the laws are treated more harshly than those who enter our country illegally and break most of our laws?
The answer is to fire every politician that is now in office and start over as if we are a brand-new country. It is up to u, we the people, who run this nation and follow and preserve our laws. If we refuse to do this then we deserve whatever we get, that includes a country run by dictators.
Just as Jesus had to say no to requests because of having to help others, so we the people of the United States of America must do likewise to protect the voiceless, (children), citizens.
May God bless us all.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

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