Monday, August 5, 2019

Responsibility begins at home with Mom and Dad

News media and many others blame those who commit violent acts and want them held for their actions. And they should be. However, we must ask where did these young people learn such violent ways on how to answer to those who might disagree with them?
Parent’s had either ignored their child’s angry attitude or permitted them to use violent words and deeds to solve their problems. Why are these parents not held responsible for their child’s actions?
Many will say a parent cannot control their children. I disagree by using the following statement.
When my brother was a teenager, he wanted a 22 rifle. It took a long time before my father and brother convinced Mom to give in. It came with restrictions. My brother could not have or use the rifle unless he was with Dad. And when it wasn’t used Mom had Dad take the rifle apart and hid the parts all over the house. This was done when we were in school so my brother could not find the gun and use it without Dad around. Apparently, that was old school for it occurred over sixty-five years ago.
Today children have rights as if they are adults and do not have to answer for their bad actions. Could this be lack of serious discipline such as privileges taken away for very long periods or like the proverb states, “Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child>”
A spanking never hurt a child other than their ego. I ought to know, Mom spanked me once for being rude or disrespectful; do not remember which. My ego was hurt more because Mom spanked me than the spanking did. After all, I had pants on.
When will adults learn from animals as they teach their young to behave? Have they ever watched a mother slap the cub or kitten, not that hard but well placed, and how quickly the baby animal behaved? Of course, many will say that is violence.
Again, adults are mistaken. A child that is beaten is s violent act and must never be,  but the quick slap on the butt that is covered leaves an impression on their ego, not their body. Sometimes it takes a solid awakening before any of us get the picture of how we treat others.
Words are for teaching just as spanking teaches us right from wrong because of our own actions.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

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