Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood

Yesterday, Tuesday, Sept 29, 2015, the CEO of Planned Parenthood went before the House Committee on the Judiciary questioned the CEO about the recent videos of workers in this organization and cutting up the bodies of unborn babies and sold to medical services.
The CEO found them to be disturbing but not on the conduct of the workers who told an undercover witness that this is the practice. Of course the CEO said this was an entrapment of these workers. This may be true but when those who break our laws or do not respect babies or others, then there is no other way to uncover such actions than by going undercover.
The CEO stated that they receive most of their money from donations. That being said, then it seems that this taxpaying government should stop funding to Planned Parenthood.
Organizations make it easy for girls and women who want to please their boyfriends or husband by having sex without protection. When our taxpayer government puts a stop to this atrocity maybe then there might be less babies born. May God help us if we keep allowing this type of organization to keep doing this. A woman should have a choice over her body, just as and unborn baby should have the same right.
What upsets me the most is how my beloved country and its citizens condemn China and other nations who practice such baby atrocities. Are we right to do whatever we wish but others cannot? 

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