Thursday, September 17, 2015

Second Presidential Debate

In the second Presidential Debate, provided by CNN, the moderator seemed more concerned about causing friction between Trump, Bush, and Fiorina. The questions coming from the moderator, and two other questioners, seemed to be less about the issues and more about what the participants thoughts were about each other. 
Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie were the only ones that mentioned the issues of strengthening America through increasing our military and putting people back to work. Donald Trump did also, but it seemed as if he were more about himself than this nation. Every few sentences had the word I coming from Donald Trump.
As for CNN, it seems to be more Democrat than for the people of the United States of America. This network, as well as many others, need to listen to the people's concerns not what their bosses may wish on what they must ask or not ask..
I cannot help but wonder if the questions that were asked in last nights debate came from the citizens or the network chiefs. We the people run this nation, not the TV Networks. Boycotting those TV Networks who are self-served may just send the message that you as well as our elected representatives would not be in action if not for the citizens of this great nation. 
The people must become more involved in how our nation is to be governed, those elected need to follow the laws of the land, and TV networks need to be for the United States of America, not their own pocketbooks!

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