Sunday, October 4, 2015

An Unfortunate but necessary U.S. Bombing

My prayers are with the families of those killed in the Doctors Without Borders Hospital. They were the most courageous people in the world. They cared for those who were innocent victims.
Whose fault is it for the bombing of this trauma hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan? Guess? The U.S. Military will be blamed by those who fear the power of the United States of America and its citizens.
The Doctors Without Borders Hospital was bombed because Islamic Terrorists were in the town and it is known that they use and hide behind innocent people.
We must not blame the U.S. for this tragedy, but hold all Islamic Terrorists who are gutless and whose only goal is to rule the world, especially America.
President Obama is waiting for an investigation into why this took place. When will he become an honorable man and admit that the Islamic Terrorist groups will do whatever it takes to let the world know that the United States of America is the cause of such heinous actions.
The gutless organizations blame the United States of America because we desire that everybody be free and treated equally. I fear that our President will agree with these cowardly people.
As God gave us this nation we must do all we can to protect those in other countries that are uneducated and therefor fear those who rule them. “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
Should we not help others who are less fortunate than we agree?

We must pray for those that were killed during the bombing of Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan. 

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