Friday, October 23, 2015

Black Lives Matter, Really?
We hear chants "Black Lives Matter all across the country. From west to east. Sadly the marches are only held where the demonstrators feel safe, and so they can receive news coverage and be seen all over this nation.
Question, Why do they not go into East Harlem and protest the murder of a Black Police Officer, Randolph Holder?He did his duty and answered a 911 call of shots fired. Apparently because of gang shootings. When Holder arrived he was murdered by a black individual.
I guess the "brave" demonstrators will never have the courage that this officer had knowing it would be dangerous.  Guess it is easier to blame all other races about disrespect and bigotry but never about other blacks, such as, gang against gang, or another bigoted blacks who wish to have the young blacks go against the Ten Commandments and blame others for their misfortune.
Wake up American citizens to what is taking place. If we do not curtail such atrocities being done to all of us, then I fear that there will be a race war in this nation and many more innocent citizens will be killed, just like the recent three-year-old girl who was murdered by blacks in a drive-by shooting, also.
Where are the black leaders standing up and protesting black against blacks? Obama, since he is supposedly the leader,  he should be the first one to speak up against such wrongdoings? Why doesn't Jesse Jackson or other black leaders protest about the angry young blacks? Oh, I am sure that they do by saying that the young blacks do not have jobs.There are jobs out there. I work in retail and we have blacks working with the rest of us, who are white and other races. 
It seems that the mothers and fathers of these young black people are not teaching their children right from wrong. Many blacks would rather sell drugs than have to work at a job. Many American citizens of all races are on drugs, so I guess selling drugs is a job, right?
The last thing that this nation that God allowed all of us to be born in is to have a civil war. Because if that were to happen then Isis will have won and will control all of us in all races and religions. I beg all United States Citizens to help stop this madness.
Ida Temple Conservative
Mansfield PA

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