Friday, January 29, 2016

Republican Debate without Trump

January 29, 2016
Last night the Republican debate was more about the issues than being focused on Donald Trump. I do not know if Trump made a date to speak to the Veterans on this same date, but if so he won out, I have a feeling. Most of what Trump does and says makes sense until he becomes insensitive to another or talks down to people.
Of all the candidates in last night's debate, I favor Gov. Chis Christie. He is not afraid of saying how he sees things and does it without insulting another, except for Hillary Clinton. She does not deserve respect from "we the people", nor do be elected President. If elected she will be no different than Obama or Bernie Sanders, a socialist. Both of these candidates want students to receive free college, health insurance, as well as many other things. Do you believe, as I do, that this would be the first step in becoming a Dictatorship country like Cuba and China?
Our constitution was written to keep Congress and the President in line. And iof today's candidates follow Obama's way they will not only not follow the foundations of our nation but will dissolve the Constitution. We the people must not allow this to happen.


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