Saturday, February 20, 2016

Justice Antonin Scalia

Today, 2/20/2016, was Justice Scalia's mass and funeral. His son, a priest, presided over the mass and funeral. How difficult it must have been.

Many were in attendance, but one. President Obama refused to honor this great man who sacrificed his life and family so as to serve this nation. Maybe it is true, Obama is not a citizen of the United States of America? Could this be why Obama and his cronies are trying to bring this nation down?

This is the year to elect a new President. We must vote in the primary so as to pick the right person who will honor the Constitution and protect this country; not allow another like Obama, arrogant and who wishes to destroy this country and our Constitution.

It is time to choose the right American to lead this nation for others to follow and copy, again!

Ida Temple


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