Monday, February 22, 2016

Carrying a Gun

I received an email from the Gun Owners of America organization on this hot subject. Although I do not own a gun, I believe this is one of our basic rights so as to defend ourselves, family, friends, and strangers whenever necessary.

Carrying a GunConstitutional Carry is Law in Almost Twenty Percent of the Country

Any state enacting Constitutional Carry legislation this year will join the eight states which have already paved the way.
Two new states joined the Constitutional Carry “club” in 2015.  These GOA-backed bills were signed into law by the Governors of Kansas and Maine.
These and other important gun rights victories can be seen here in “GOA’s Top Ten in 2015.”

Another Armed Citizen Prevents a Massacre, Gets Ignored by Media
Speaking of concealed carry, there was another mass shooting this month that the media didn’t report on.  
Why not?  Because an armed citizen stopped the shooting in its tracks.
Here’s how the Truth About Guns reported on the shooting which took place at a Louisiana gas station:
[Richard Macklin] pulled out a firearm and opened fire, sending more than a dozen rounds into the crowd. Three were wounded. One of the wounded was armed. He drew his legally carried weapon and fired at Macklin, hitting him in the head and stopping the attack. 
Kudos to the brave defender who took incoming fire, held his ground and fired back -- saving the lives of his friends.
Regardless, you can be sure that President Obama will still continue to claim these types of self-defense incidents never happen.

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