Sunday, September 24, 2017

Americans earning millions refuse to respect our Flag and National Anthem

The sports people show disrespect during the beginning of their respective games. This is supposed to be tolerated.
These supposedly athletes earn millions because they live in the freest nation God ever gave to human beings. If the fans did not go to these games or demonstrate outside of where they play then maybe they would get the message, “Free speech is one thing, but disrespecting our forefathers who fought for this nation, and the symbols that the world notices how free the citizens are, is intolerable and should not be applauded or supported.”
Supposedly they do the above because they do not like President Trump. Grow up people. I voted for him even though I may not agree with everything he says and does, he was not and is not a politician. He is an American fighting to see that America remains free and not settle for things whenever it hurts this nation and its citizens!
Because we have Free Speech in the United States does that mean that we can say or do whatever we want, even if it hurts others and our free nation? If I behaved this way when working at WalMart I woudl have been fired.
I am someone who loves watching football, but as of today I will not waste my time on selfish, arrogant millionaires who believe they are right and everyone else is wrong.
Ida M Temple

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