Saturday, September 23, 2017

AMERICANS STAND UP-We Refuse To Remain Silent

Thank you for reading this update. As the organizer of the Mansfield Tea Party, we now offer a newsletter to those who wish to receive it and have the strong desire to protect, respect, and honor the greatest nation, United States of America, that God ever gave to human beings!. 

Most of the citizens, as well as this nation, are the greatest in the world. But being human we make mistakes and sometimes wrong decisions. Is that because at times we do not hear what others are saying?

When we do the above, then this nation could become lost for the children who have no voice in the decisions made to protect them. We must listen, read, and be aware of what is taking place in the United States. THIS IS HOW WE LEARN AND GROW! It will always be the goal of most of the Americans Standing Up! 

For those who wish to have their voice heard, this is your forum, just speak up and if you wish to have it published in this newsletter, let us know.
Thank you and remember;  
"Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens
can change the world; it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead

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