Sunday, March 24, 2019


Although Anti-Semitism began in 1913 to stop bigotry against the Jewish people, it also wanted prejudices stopped against all religion and/or people who are not White. Bigotry still prevails because those that are bigoted are not teaching the young about America or other nations history.
All of us tend to believe what we hear until facts prove otherwise; such as some Democrats are pushing. That is the biggest problem in the world and especially my birth country, the United States of America.
My being born in this America was a gift from God. As such, I love and respect this magnificent gift I was given. This is not to say that I must always agree with what the USA says or does. When I do disagree, I should do something about it, like this article and in voting out those who do not honor our nation and its citizens.
I organized the Mansfield Tea Party with the above in mind. Although we are a small rural college town in north central Pennsylvania, this does not mean that we are prejudice or ignorant. Those who have joined this organization are willing to work for and with all citizens. We do not judge those by their ancestry or religion.
Under God we have all be given a heart, brain, and soul and it is up to us to respect this gift and do good with it.
May God bless all USA citizens and those in other countries.
Ida M Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

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