Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Too Many Democrat Choices

There are so many politicians in the Democratic Party that they confuse the voters. Who to choose?
Because the democrats hate Pres. Trump, they have many running in 2020 Presidential Election.
Sadly, they are so far left that they are sounding more for themselves than a good representation of the citizens and the United States. It’s not what we can do for you, it is almost what we must accept from them in keeping America safe and secure.
For those who are saying, Oh she’s a Republican and a Conservative. Yes, you are correct. However, before I am a Republican, I am a conservative and want to see this nation as it was intended to be; free for every generation.
I was once a Democrat until I realized that this party wanted to give everything away to foreigners and the rich.
It seems as if they believe that the middle class and poor must take a back seat and do what they are told!
I love this gift, God gave me and want to see that it remains free and unencumbered; in other words, left to make our own decisions.
If you agree you must remember that freedom is not free unless each person works to ensure that the United The states of America remains that way and respected by the world.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party
P.S. Join us in making sure that the 2020 Primaries and Presidential election is run fair and square.

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