Saturday, September 21, 2019

Our Police are being murdered daily.

Police are being murdered daily by a criminal who are free on bail or released from jail after serving a short sentence.
Today there have been 31 police officers killed. When will the honorable American citizens begin to protest this, vigorously?
Anyone that commits murder must spend the rest of their lives in prison.
When will we wake up that most murdered cops lose their lives and that their children have lost their father or mother?
We must set a law of “Carry a gun during a crime and never be free again.” And if someone murdered; no release, out on bail, or taking years to answer for such horrendous acts.
Sadly, as it often happens, corrupt cops are reported more often than the good cops who are making a difference with kindness.
We must never judge cops by those few who are horrible human beings.  COPS, “CARING ORDINARY PEOPLE SAVERS”
How often have we been criticized for judging others because of their differences, languages, or jobs? Do COPS deserve not to be judged because of a few bad ones?
They ask for very little but respect and a thank you.
Please thank him or her for being so willing to place their life on the line for strangers.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

United We Will Stand

To the 911 Responders and their families
As most of today's adults are aware of it has been 19 years since the horrible attack against our nation. May God bless these families and protect them.
The United States lost many courageous Citizens who gave up their lives for the rest of us. To the families of our heroes Ida Temple’s heart goes out to you.
We must ever forget how vulnerable we the citizens of this great nation are. Often, we turn the other cheek and forgive those who wish to harm us. The terrorists then and now know this and will do whatever they can to destroy us, not only from our nation but from those across the world. We must never forget this!
When we the citizens of the United States of America stands United, we will not be defeated, bullied and remain the freest in the world and the envy of many.
Thank you, God, for this gift and blessings.
Ida Temple
United We Will Stand

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Whatever is wrong is now right in California

The latest news on the governor of California I he wants suspension stopped in schools of problem students.
Having live in the LA area for over 20 years, I learned how many criminals were forgiven for being weak and not able to speak or understand English. It seems that today, as well as then, that we enable illegal immigrants because of one excuse or another.
This is not to say I am against legal immigration I am not. But no matter, if anyone breaks our laws or shows disrespect for America needs to be held responsible and answer to the consequences.
If we do not have or honor the laws of the land then there is havoc and no longer a free “Nation Under God,”
I was taught by my Mother to show respect, do not take something that is not mine, and above all, be honest, don’t lie.
Today in the world but mostly in the United States that are not accepted. The more you lie, steal, be dishonest. The more you are accepted by many in this nation.
I thank God for protecting through my 79 years and for allowing me to be born in this great nation and giving me the parents, I had. They believed in following the Ten Commandments. But I guess that is of the olden days and not fit for today!
Ida Temple