Wednesday, September 11, 2019

United We Will Stand

To the 911 Responders and their families
As most of today's adults are aware of it has been 19 years since the horrible attack against our nation. May God bless these families and protect them.
The United States lost many courageous Citizens who gave up their lives for the rest of us. To the families of our heroes Ida Temple’s heart goes out to you.
We must ever forget how vulnerable we the citizens of this great nation are. Often, we turn the other cheek and forgive those who wish to harm us. The terrorists then and now know this and will do whatever they can to destroy us, not only from our nation but from those across the world. We must never forget this!
When we the citizens of the United States of America stands United, we will not be defeated, bullied and remain the freest in the world and the envy of many.
Thank you, God, for this gift and blessings.
Ida Temple
United We Will Stand

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