Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Winning Hand

Today President Trump announced that America's farmers will be sending some of their crops to China. Is this not the winning hand for Americans?
A purchase of — from 40 to 50 billion dollars’ worth of agricultural products.”
Hopefully, this means that China and the USA are becoming friends with their citizens desire in mind.
About Congress; "Through legislative debate and compromise, the U.S. Congress makes laws that influence our daily lives. It holds hearings to inform the legislative process, conducts investigations to oversee the executive branch, and serves as the voice of the people and the states in the federal government."
I included the above to remind us what Congress is supposed to be doing.
As a senior citizen I do not worry about my future so much as I am concerned fo the children. For they will inherit the mess or successes of we adults. Their lives depend on what we do, say, and implement.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

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