Sunday, October 6, 2019

United We Aill Stand

As you see I have begun a new organization entitled "United We Will Stand", with the hope that many Americans will join me in this organization. All they need to do is email me their email address, (used for only this), and I will see to it that they receive the latest updates on it. I thank all who believe we need such an organization and are willing to stand up and fight for our rights.
Why are some young green congresswomen wanting to destroy this nation?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The above photo and some of this young woman’s remarks from the Fox News website. I personally have been keeping up with “The Squad,” the newest women elected to Congress. They seem to be unaware of the history of this great nation and on why the Constitution was formed.
Free Speech has been given to all Americans. But I have a problem when some abuse it and want to bring our nation down, Ms. Cortez is constantly putting forth issues she wishes to have as law without regards to the citizens, (born and Legally), or in some cases who will pay for some of her latest programs.
AOC pushes national rent control, welfare for illegal immigrants in latest massive proposal. It includes rent control for all including illegal immigrants and in which she calls the “just society.”
Do we need some of her proposals, yes? But only if the citizens vote for them when or if they are placed on the ballot.
The citizens vote in those they wish to do our bidding for us which in turn is then up to the citizens if they wish to have the proposals become law. When those elected push their own agenda, is that not how Castro and Khrushchev, communist leaders, became rulers of their nations and dictated what the citizens are to do and not to do?
Sure, sounds as if this woman is following in the above footsteps of two of the most disliked dictators in the world. How about you?
Ida Temple
United We Will Stand

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