Monday, July 22, 2019

Antifa A Terrorist/Communist Group?
Terrorism: the unlawful use or threat of violence especially against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion 2 : violent and intimidating gang activity street terrorism.
Communism - a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership.

Antifa was a terrorist group that was originally created during the 1920/1930s to resist fascism. The group has now turned its efforts against democracy and has begun using the same violent tactics used by Nazi Brownshirts to suppress Jews, Marxists, and anyone else who was anti-fascist.
Hench, are some College Professors teaching Communistic ways to American students so as to overthrow the United States of America Government? From all daily reports, it sure seems so!
As you can see by the definitions above, Antifa’s desire is to turn the USA into a communist nation. What better way than to have communist-like professors and teachers showing the young how to destroy their way of life in America!
They should be teaching how and why the colonists came to this nation. Just as some are trying today, back then the people did not want to be controlled or dictated.  For instance, early in this nation citizens became *“indentured servant/slaves”.  
“Many white immigrants arrived in colonial America as indentured servants, usually as young men and women from Britain or Germany, under the age of 21. Typically, the father of a teenager would sign the legal papers, and work out an arrangement with a ship captain, who would not charge the father any money.” *
This writer's fear is that large rich corporations are trying to have citizens become indentured servants, (like Antifa Terrorists) wish to do by abolishing our Constitution so they can dictate how, what, and when the citizens can do as they wish! Do you not fear that the USA will become a Communist Nation?
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

* ”Indentured servants first arrived in America in the decade following the settlement of Jamestown by the Virginia Company in 1607. The idea of indentured servitude was born of a need for cheap labor.

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