Monday, July 29, 2019

Guns are not the problem; we the citizens are!

With more killings of innocent people over the weekend many blame guns for these deadly problems. But are they really?

When do we the people begin to hold gang bangers, and hateful selfish and nasty people responsible for such horrible actions? Taking guns away will not stop murders.

Those who commit such horrible actions need to be put in jail, segregated and never be free again. And if they are immigrants, illegal or otherwise, they need to be sent back to their own country. A border wall will ensure that they and other criminals are not able to get back into this nation.

There are some citizens that might feel the above is too harsh. But had parents of these horrible human beings taught their children with love and respect then maybe there might be less of killings such had taken place of this past weekend across the freest nation God ever gave The United States of America.

The laws of the land are here to protect us and for a peaceful life. But when this is not possible due to those who wish to cause havoc then we need to put a stop to it, non-violently of course.  This is was why the United States laws were set up to begin with.

Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

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