Saturday, July 13, 2019

Ice Director Hoffman grilled by Congress

Recently former ICE Director Hoffman was grilled in Congress. It appeared that those doing the questioning would not give him a chance to explain ICE’s policy or the law of the land. He was not allowed to speak on what he knew about the border. He said, “The Democrats do not want to hear the truth”.: www.foxnews.comAuthorities in Colorado restored an American flag to its place Friday evening after protesters demonstrating outside a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility pulled down the star-spangled banner and flew the flag of Mexico in its place.The protesters also removed a “Blue Lives Matter” flag, honoring law enforcement, spray-painted it with the words “Abolish ICE,” then raised the flag upside-down, on a pole next to the Mexican flag, according to local media. www.foxnews.comNone of us want to face the truth because most of the time it is real and often hurts. But without the truth the United States of America might be destroyed by those who care more about themselves than the citizens of this nation that elected and trusted those in Congress to do what was right and lawful in representing the peopleSome in Congress follow Hillary Clintons and Nancy Pelosi’s words of “Do not open doors': Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi tell illegal immigrants how to AVOID being arrested in ICE raids due that began this past weekend on Trump's orders.

Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

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