Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Black Lives Matter go to Washington D.C. and demonstrate.

To day the Mall of America is in court to have an injunction against Black Lives matter demonstrating at there. Why? Because most of teh demonstrators come across as bullies and will not demonstrate where they should, Washington D.C.  Some are black and white, probably college students who do not work for a living and others collect Welfare and do not work.

These demonstrators do not have a right to stop a business from operating or citizens from going to these business. If those in the Black Lives Matter would read the Constitution, something this nation was found on, they would realize that they are breaking the law. The First Amendment does state that citizens may petition Congress on their grievances. That being said, Black Lives Matter need to go demonstrate with a petition in front of the White House and Congress about what they believe as being discrimination.

To all of these demonstrators I say this, "As long as you force those who wish to work; no matter their race,  such as businesses, and who do not take a handout from the taxpayers who do work and pay taxes, then you will always find anger from others.

Black Lives Matter, take your grievances to Washington, not to businesses, malls, and halting traffic. You are cowards who fear the law of this land that was set up to protect the innocent hard workers from being dictated to by a President and Congress as well as being discriminated against because of being White!

Ida M Temple


Monday, December 21, 2015

What is Congress afraid of?

Why dose U.S. government not want to put a stop to ISIS or be diligent enough to find those that wish to destroy America? For instance the Democrats, Obama and Clinton show no effort on wanting to prevent terrorists from influencing the misguided angry young citizens in the United States, nor put a stop to those killing Christians and Jews around the world.
We elected candidates to not only represent us but to protect us from the evil outside sources. It seems that those in the U.S. government is more interested in money and power than they are of putting a stop to the Islamic Terrorists Organizations. I have yet to hear anyone in our government suse the phrase "Islamic Terrortists!" 
Do you think that Obama is a Muslim and a Dictator that those in Congress fear? Or do they think like Obama and want to control the citizens of the U.S.A. to become like those in Cuba and how China citizens are controled today? I can't help but wonder.
Ida Temple

Friday, October 30, 2015


Here goes Hollywood again! Movie Producer Tarantino, during yesterday's rally of protesting, stated, Murderer, Murderer, Murderer. If this poor excuse for a man had any courage at all, he would go to South Central Los Angeles or East Harlem and use the same language for the black gangbangers that murder innocent bystanders during many of their drive-by shootings.

Of course we know that the Black Lives Matter group, as well as this Producer, are protesting only because of the media following them through the streets of New York. And what a way to introduce his latest venture, which I will not mention, and who will expect the cops to control the crowd and protect him from others during his premiers..

It is time for all TRUE American Citizens to begin demonstrations against entertainers and Black Lives Matter protesters, that put down the very people that protect them.

It is for sure these American citizens will never have the courage, or backbone, that cops have. After all, that was how the black cop, Randolph Holder, was murdered by a black man when he answered a 911 shots fired call.

I applaud all cops who refuse to behave as those in the black lives murder group who are bigoted against cops and the white race.

Sadly the American Black Race Citizens need to walk along side of the White Race Citizens in protesting those who wish to bring the United States of America down.

Ida Temple
www.one conservative.com

Friday, October 23, 2015

Black Lives Matter, Really?
We hear chants "Black Lives Matter all across the country. From west to east. Sadly the marches are only held where the demonstrators feel safe, and so they can receive news coverage and be seen all over this nation.
Question, Why do they not go into East Harlem and protest the murder of a Black Police Officer, Randolph Holder?He did his duty and answered a 911 call of shots fired. Apparently because of gang shootings. When Holder arrived he was murdered by a black individual.
I guess the "brave" demonstrators will never have the courage that this officer had knowing it would be dangerous.  Guess it is easier to blame all other races about disrespect and bigotry but never about other blacks, such as, gang against gang, or another bigoted blacks who wish to have the young blacks go against the Ten Commandments and blame others for their misfortune.
Wake up American citizens to what is taking place. If we do not curtail such atrocities being done to all of us, then I fear that there will be a race war in this nation and many more innocent citizens will be killed, just like the recent three-year-old girl who was murdered by blacks in a drive-by shooting, also.
Where are the black leaders standing up and protesting black against blacks? Obama, since he is supposedly the leader,  he should be the first one to speak up against such wrongdoings? Why doesn't Jesse Jackson or other black leaders protest about the angry young blacks? Oh, I am sure that they do by saying that the young blacks do not have jobs.There are jobs out there. I work in retail and we have blacks working with the rest of us, who are white and other races. 
It seems that the mothers and fathers of these young black people are not teaching their children right from wrong. Many blacks would rather sell drugs than have to work at a job. Many American citizens of all races are on drugs, so I guess selling drugs is a job, right?
The last thing that this nation that God allowed all of us to be born in is to have a civil war. Because if that were to happen then Isis will have won and will control all of us in all races and religions. I beg all United States Citizens to help stop this madness.
Ida Temple Conservative
Mansfield PA

Sunday, October 4, 2015

An Unfortunate but necessary U.S. Bombing

My prayers are with the families of those killed in the Doctors Without Borders Hospital. They were the most courageous people in the world. They cared for those who were innocent victims.
Whose fault is it for the bombing of this trauma hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan? Guess? The U.S. Military will be blamed by those who fear the power of the United States of America and its citizens.
The Doctors Without Borders Hospital was bombed because Islamic Terrorists were in the town and it is known that they use and hide behind innocent people.
We must not blame the U.S. for this tragedy, but hold all Islamic Terrorists who are gutless and whose only goal is to rule the world, especially America.
President Obama is waiting for an investigation into why this took place. When will he become an honorable man and admit that the Islamic Terrorist groups will do whatever it takes to let the world know that the United States of America is the cause of such heinous actions.
The gutless organizations blame the United States of America because we desire that everybody be free and treated equally. I fear that our President will agree with these cowardly people.
As God gave us this nation we must do all we can to protect those in other countries that are uneducated and therefor fear those who rule them. “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
Should we not help others who are less fortunate than we agree?

We must pray for those that were killed during the bombing of Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Kunduz Afghanistan. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Obama Muslim or Communist?

On Judicial Watch, I read that Obama's senior advisor, Valarie Jarret has strong ties to the Communist party and the MuslimBrotherhood.

Her own father, and father-in-law were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government, FBI. Jarrett's father-in-law was considered a potential Communist saboteur who was assigned to write propaganda for a Communist Party front group in Chicago that would "disseminate the Communist Party line among...the middle class."

Her father Dr. James Boeman, after discharge from the military, moved to Iran to work in 1955, where Jarrett was born. She soon followed in his footsteps in the U.S. She is a Chicago lawyer and longtime Obama confidant, and a liberal extremist who wields tremendous power in the White House. She still has connections to many communists group's including the Muslim Brotherhood, along with her families ties to Frank Marshal Davis, a big Obama mentor and Communist Party member with an extensive FBI file.

If you wish to read more on this disturbing fact that is now in the White House go to. https://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/tag/valerie-jarrett/

Ida Temple — Founder
Mansfield Tea Party

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood

Yesterday, Tuesday, Sept 29, 2015, the CEO of Planned Parenthood went before the House Committee on the Judiciary questioned the CEO about the recent videos of workers in this organization and cutting up the bodies of unborn babies and sold to medical services.
The CEO found them to be disturbing but not on the conduct of the workers who told an undercover witness that this is the practice. Of course the CEO said this was an entrapment of these workers. This may be true but when those who break our laws or do not respect babies or others, then there is no other way to uncover such actions than by going undercover.
The CEO stated that they receive most of their money from donations. That being said, then it seems that this taxpaying government should stop funding to Planned Parenthood.
Organizations make it easy for girls and women who want to please their boyfriends or husband by having sex without protection. When our taxpayer government puts a stop to this atrocity maybe then there might be less babies born. May God help us if we keep allowing this type of organization to keep doing this. A woman should have a choice over her body, just as and unborn baby should have the same right.
What upsets me the most is how my beloved country and its citizens condemn China and other nations who practice such baby atrocities. Are we right to do whatever we wish but others cannot? 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Second Presidential Debate

In the second Presidential Debate, provided by CNN, the moderator seemed more concerned about causing friction between Trump, Bush, and Fiorina. The questions coming from the moderator, and two other questioners, seemed to be less about the issues and more about what the participants thoughts were about each other. 
Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie were the only ones that mentioned the issues of strengthening America through increasing our military and putting people back to work. Donald Trump did also, but it seemed as if he were more about himself than this nation. Every few sentences had the word I coming from Donald Trump.
As for CNN, it seems to be more Democrat than for the people of the United States of America. This network, as well as many others, need to listen to the people's concerns not what their bosses may wish on what they must ask or not ask..
I cannot help but wonder if the questions that were asked in last nights debate came from the citizens or the network chiefs. We the people run this nation, not the TV Networks. Boycotting those TV Networks who are self-served may just send the message that you as well as our elected representatives would not be in action if not for the citizens of this great nation. 
The people must become more involved in how our nation is to be governed, those elected need to follow the laws of the land, and TV networks need to be for the United States of America, not their own pocketbooks!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Should we not push for the deportation of Illegal Immigrants?

It has been reported that a male illegal immigrant in Texas, deported numerous times, sexually assaulted a 16-year old down syndrome girl. Should we feel sorry for this piece of garbage? Seems as if our dear President and Congress does. I guess as long as illegals do not harm any child whose parent serves in the government there is no reason to deport the illegals, is there?