Monday, June 13, 2016

Are we being governed by the Muslim Brotherhood?

Do you believe that Obama is being influenced by his Senior Adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Below, I paraphrased some of the information I found from; (
Valerie Jarrett was born Valerie Bowman to American parents in Shiraz Iran.Jarrette's father had a lengthy FBI file. According to this file, he was a Communist. He communicated with a soviet agent named Alfred Stern in 1950, six years before Valerie Jarrett's birth in 1956. Stern fled the United States after being charged with espionage. He ended up in Cuba where he became an adviser to Fidel Castro.
They also investigated Jarrett's father for being a member of a group that followed the communist party line. Do you believe that Jarett is a communist and advising Obama on governing with this in mind?
Obama and many in Congress have tax-payer paid security for their family and children. As such they do not have to be overly concerned with terrorists.
All true Americans must have the backbone to stand up and elect only those who will protect the citizens and this nation. Those elected must order the Military to bomb any country that harbors and supports such terrorist organizations as Isis and Al-Qaida. It is time for us to take our nation back!Ida TempleMansfield Tea Party

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