Monday, June 20, 2016

IN God We Trust

The United States was developed with God in mind. Our Constitution and Freedoms are with Him in mind. But today it is outlawed to mention God at anytime and anywhere.
This morning on Fox News, (6/20/2016), it was reported of a retired airman giving a speech that a deceased man's family ask him to do. When he mentioned God he was thrown out of the service by other servicemen. What is happening to our military, schools, and meetings that God or prayer is forbidden.?
We have a President that appears to be a non-believer of God and will not protect the citizens or the Freedoms given to us by the Constitution. As commander in chief I cannot help but wonder if Obama gave the word that God, faith and Christianity is not to be mention in the Military, Schools or any organization that receives federal money.
We the people must take a stand against the government that has a goal to stop all of us from our faith in God and in ordering that those receiving federal money must stop this, immediately.
To those I have elected, take heed, if you will not protect this nation from outside influences, such as Muslims and Sharia Law, then may God have mercy on your soul and you will not be reelected by this citizen.
Do not believe I am a bigot for I am not. Muslims have a right to practice their religion in this nation, but they do not have the right to say Christians do not, no matter who the Muslims are, President, Congress, or State Legislature.
Readers, I pray that you the citizen of this great nation feel the same way and will go to the polls and vote out those who wish to bury this nation and its freedoms.
Ida Temple

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