Friday, June 10, 2016

Believing in the U.S. Political System

Many of us, the citizens of the United States of America, have lost faith in those who wish to have our votes. Due to the fact that many lie and sell their soul for power, we have become disenchanted with America's Political System. Why?

Could it be because candidates, such as Hillary Clinton, have lied about the wrongs that she committed while in a government position? For instance, Mrs. Clinton lied about using a private email as Secretary of State. And of course, we have our disgraceful President who appears to be for other countries and may be trying to destroy and bring the United States down. 
When we place ourselves above everyone else and refuse to hear advice or agree with someone who may have a good idea or program, then we have become arrogant, selfish, know-it-all. How do we put a stop to this? By staying clear of people with such selfish attitudes.
As most know Donald Trump is running against Hillary Clinton for the highest office in the land, the Presidency. Before choosing we need to look at each of their successes, past problems and how they corrected them, and why they may be capable of being the leader of the greatest nation God ever gave life to a human being in the United States of America.
It is imperative that we the people do not give up or turn our nation over to a selfish, arrogant, know-it-all whose only intentions is to have the power to control others. We must select, (never quit), the person we feel is for "We the People." 
Only when we do the above will the United States of America be looked up to and the world will realize they cannot mess with the United States without dire consequences.
When it comes to selecting a representative, we must research his or her background to learn what they have done or not done for this great nation and its citizens.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

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