Saturday, June 11, 2016

Violent America

Do you believe that terrorists come to the United States, because like many Americans that commit violent acts, they will seldom be held responsible?
A day does not go by when a news report shows the act of an American committing violence against another.
Often I hear someone say, "kill them." This is said when somebody may disagree or does something that goes against the person speaking.  This is not to say we should not disagree if our opinion is different. But when we preach, especially around children, of a violent act, then how can we condemn terrorists who are following this same logic?
I hate violence and believe that there has to be a better way to solve the many problems facing citizens of this nation. However, we must always be able to defend ourselves whenever another wants to do us harm. Agreed, this could be a violent act. When we do not hold those responsible, then what does this teach a child? Are we saying, "it is okay to behave any way you want!"
I am tired of judges, and others, stating that when a crime is committed, violent or non-violent, we must take into consideration their mental state or how they were raised. When we make excuses, or that jail is not the answer, like the most recent of a Stanford guy raping an unconscious girl, then something is wrong here.
It is time for Congress and a President to support legislation on paying for a new prison for those breaking our laws or committing violence. They must be put away for at least 10 years, period, no exceptions and not serve the full sentence.
How do you feel about this?
Ida Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

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