Sunday, October 28, 2018

Another Vicious Attack

By now almost all Americans have heard about the slaughter at a Synogue in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Ever since President Trump has been in office there have been such attacks. This time the Jewish people had to take the blunt of the bigoted hatefulness against our President and citizens of this great nation.
To top it off the president invited young blacks to the white house. And the President was called out negatively by Rev. Al Sharpton on this wonderful act of love.
When viciousness and murders occur in this nation we almost always jump to the politicians as a reason. But no one seems to realize that those who commit such evil acts have always been this way.
From childhood through adulthood these same humans either learned this from their parents, relatives, or friends who were bigoted and preached their own hatred in front of children. Sadly, when the kids hear this over and over they soon are programed to behave this way. The problem is nothing is ever done to put a stop to hatefulness and violence when shown in a child.
It is time that the United States begin to place those who commit such acts away for life, whether a young person or an adult. When we condone or turn the other way on the bad attitudes of people then the only ones we can blame is ourselves.
“He that spareth his rod hateh his son: but he that loveth his son chastens him early.
Provers 13:24, (KJ Bible),
Trust me my Mom was not afraid to spank us, but she seldom did. From her and Dad we learned respect, care for others, and last but not least love. I thank God that I was so fortunate to have such great parents. They were not perfect, but they did teach us well!
Ida Temple

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