Monday, October 1, 2018

Democratic Congress has nothing better to do!

It is getting old with Judge Brett Kavanaugh; if he did it or not to that poor woman. Now that the democrats, especially Cory Booker whose teenage years were not innocent, the FBI will investigate again the Judge’s past.

Jealousy raised its ugly head again. The democrats are so envious of the outpouring by the citizens for the President as well as the Judge, that they do not know what to do next. Get over it and move on, children!

The Democrats have always been sore losers and probably will be to the end of time. I pity those who have never grown up to be adults. It is never easy being an adult, but you show patience, gratitude, and the willingness to accept what the citizens desire, not what you, or the big money backers wanted.

All Americans must accept the decisions of the masses, even when we might disagree. Our time will come to make a difference, too.

Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

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