Thursday, October 11, 2018

Violent Kids

The past two days photos and news reports had shown kids holding guns at two kids laying on the ground. They were in a band and the band leader did nothing to put a stop to such horrible actions. Of course, when adults allow children from the time they can speak up and argue with them or misbehave then these types of problems will manifest itself into horrible outcomes.
What happen to today’s adults? Why will they not be the adult and tach the children respect, compassion and how to compromise in some given situations.
As a senior citizen I remember when as a child I did not respect a person or property then Mom would discipline me. Usually it was being sent to my bedroom; (no TV then or anything else), to think about my actions. And if it was destroying property then we were taken to the property’s owner and made to apologize and forced to fix what we may have broken, or have it replaced, and it would be taken out of any money we might be given.
As for bad language or speaking rudely to another Mom would threaten us with “Do you want your mouth rinsed out with soap?”  We did not want that, so we did our best to behave when around Mom, otherwise we often forgot about the punishment and did the same thing again, until we got the message loud and clear. Kids like to play and when that is taken away then they soon will learn their lesson.
This is not to say that we did the right thing all the time, however. And when Mom was told about what we had done the consequences were often worse than our misbehavior. No friends, no socializing, or playing outside. Children will be children and as such need to learn good behavior, not I can do whatever I want.
Today it seems as if many children rule this world instead of the adults who should be the teachers in setting good examples.
God gave us a brain, but do we use it for the best reasons?
Ida M Temple

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