Thursday, October 25, 2018

“What goes around comes around”

May God bless and protect this gift He gave to the citizens of the United States of America. We need to agree to disagree with words, not violence.
The last few days event should be enough evidence that when we use language of “Collateral Damage,” such as Hillary Clinton said a few days ago, then it might come back to bite us, no matter the party. What does Collateral Damage mean, “security or guarantee?” My interpretation, there is a guarantee that our security could be in trouble.

This is not to say that I want harm to come to those who had disagreed with Conservatives. This type of event will harm all Americans.
Free speech is one thing but when we wish to silence those who disagree by any means possible then no one no matter the political party is safe. Nobody should stand still for this or be proud that some nut took violent means to shut up opponents.
Since the birth of the United States political parties have seldom agreed with each other. And often, if we listened to our opponents, we might receive ideas on how to make this nation stronger.
People, no matter your party or religion do not use violence or intimidation to have others agree with you. It might end up in your lap, like holding a tiger that will have you for lunch.

Ida Temple

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