Saturday, September 8, 2018

Americans get arrested but Illegals are set free of crimes

It is interesting how many politicians, especially Mayors of most of America's cities, free illegals but if an American did the same crime then they would be jailed. What is wrong with this picture?
No matter your nationality, or where you came from, if you break America's laws then you should be jailed and if possible deported if you came here by sneaking across the border.
This attitude tells me that those who are illegal do not care for anyone but themselves. Granted there are a lot of citizens of America that behave the same way, and they are not better than the illegals.
The Constitution gives us the opportunity to be free and treat everyone equally. Where does it say that when we break the law that we are just as good as those who honor our laws and do the best they can as a citizen and a human being?
God gave us this great nation to honor, respect and to be free. When the politicians treat the illegals better than those citizens they are supposed to represent, is this equal?
Ida M Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

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