Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Thank you, First Responders and their Families of 911

I dedicate this page and thank the first responders that survived the terrorist’s attacks on our nation. They did not hesitate to run towards danger to rescue and save those who were in harm's way on Sept. 11, 2001.
To the families who lost a loved one that rushed for the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Washington D. C. and Shanksville Pennsylvania, rest in peace that your loved ones are safe and in heaven and along with God are watching over you as well as the rest of the citizens of this nation, the United States of America.
We often take it for granted cops, firemen/women and their paramedics who rush in where you and I fear to go. It takes more courage than most of us have. For this reason, I humbly ask all those who might be reading this message to go up to the cops in your area as well as the fire department’s men and women and thank them. That is the least that we who do not have their courage can do to show how much we appreciate them and their families. For without them this nation would not survive!
I applaud you the police officers, firemen/women, and paramedics for caring for this nation and its citizens.
May God Bless you and your families!
Ida M Temple
Mansfield Tea Party, Pennsylvania

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