Monday, September 3, 2018

Opioid Crisis in America

By all reports, the United States has an Opioid Crisis. Supposedly it began with doctors who had overprescribed this addictive drug to their patients for pain. Who do we blame, doctors or the patients who lied to receive these almost free drugs?
Below is a statement that President Trump made on August 29th about this addictive and deadly product.
“So today, in honor of the 20-year anniversary of the Drug-Free Communities Support Program grant awards, President Trump announced $91 million in grants to a record 731 local drug prevention groups across all 50 states. “We’ve never done anything to this extent. We’ve never done anything this large.”
To find out where these paid programs are in your state or city just go to search and type in the name of your city or state.
In my home state of Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf received a second grant from the federal government to fight the above crisis. The $26.5 million he received will be used for the insured and uninsured for the treatment of their drug habits.
Who do we blame for this crisis? To begin with, the doctors who over-prescribed the addictive Opioids and the patients who want to live in an untroubled world. It might be nice to have no problems at all. However, to me, it would be a rather dull life and the world. Do you not agree?
Ida has started a new organization, United We Stand, with a free newsletter. if you wish to have the newsletter and/or join this organization just send her your email address.

Ida M Temple 
United We Stand Organization

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