Wednesday, September 5, 2018


It is time for citizens to get off their butts and put a stop to the disrespect and harm that many politicians and many of the young in order to destroy this nation. As the organizer of a new organization, United We Stand. I, Ida M Temple, will do all that I can to put a screeching halt to the hypocrisy and hatefulness.
Sadly I, like others, care about this great nation and will write, call and vote out those, as well as denounce those behaving like sheep in following what the Socialists/Communists are trying to do in destroying this gift that we the citizens have been given.
We all have a right to disagree with others but when we do we should be doing it with the facts that we have found on whatever we are complaining about.
How many of the young, as well as some older citizens, honestly have the actual facts on whatever it is they dislike or want some kicked out of this nation?
Will you join me in this organization's goal for our voices and votes to matter?
Ida M Temple

United We Stand

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