Saturday, December 17, 2016

Because I have animals and love animals I copied an article  on keeping our family voiceless member from harm. Here is the link if you want more information,

Keep Your Dogs and Cats Safe From Holiday Hazards Stuffers and Pet Treats
If your dog received a stocking full of
pet treats, make sure he doesn’t gobble
them all up at once. According to
Stamper, if he eats the treats whole,
or eats too many at once, he may not
be able to digest them. Unchewed
pet treats can get stuck in the trachea
(windpipe) or gastrointestinal tract
(esophagus, stomach, and intestines),
particularly in small dogs.
If your dog is in obvious distress
Tinsel and Ribbons
When decorating your tree and wrapping
or unwrapping gifts, keep a close
eye on where you leave your leftover
tinsel, string, and ribbons.
“Your cat may find these decorations
irresistible because they look
like easy-to-catch, sparkly, and wiggly
prey,” Stamper says. In fact, they
can cause serious stomach and intestinal
Symptoms may take a few hours or
several days to appear, and include
vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite,
and decreased activity. Play it safe by
keeping tinsel off the tree and collecting
all ribbons and strings after gifts
are opened.
Holiday Plants
If you have holiday plants such
as poinsettias, holly, or mistletoe
around, take care. When you display
from eating too much too fast, says
Stamper, contact your vet immediately.
Some telltale signs are drooling,
choking, or vomiting.
Take note of timing. If a bone or
chew toy lodges in your dog’s stomach
or intestines, the symptoms
might not be immediate. Hours to
days later, he may vomit and have
diarrhea, be less active, not want to
eat, and have stomach pain. If the
blockage stays there too long, your
dog may become very ill. The worstcase
scenario is when a hole develops
at the blockage site, causing a lifethreatening
“When in doubt, contact your veterinarian,
who may need to take
x-rays or use an endoscope to see
what and where the problem is,”
Stamper says. Your dog may even
need surgery to remove blockages in
the intestines.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Morals and Ethics in America!

It seems that ethics and morals left in the early sixties when it was believed that we need to accept everyone as they are and how they behave. Why? Back then it was usually the same reason, how they were raised. If their parents were abusive, bigoted, or felt they were treated wrong and should be rewarded for it. Back then many were called the flower children.

Today, 2016, ethics and morals seemed to have disappeared in the United States of America.

And many of this could be contributed to professional sport players. One refused to have dinner at West Point because of being against war.

Another professional football played was in England and refused to stand up for our Anthem. Oh, and this poor excuse for a man has seven children by many women and is paid a lot of money!

Is it not time for the citizens to take back their country and put a stop to such unethically and immoral acts against our nation? How do you ask?

Simple. The first place is to stop attending professional sports, whether in person or watching TV cable. After all money is always the top dog when wanting to have what we want and will do anything for it.

Secondly, we the people need to protest and demonstrate against these atrocities that are taken place by those who earn enormous sums or those who want something for nothing; owed, earning, etc.

Thirdly, adults need to set positive, ethical, and moral actions for the children to follow. Children will grow up to become adults and most will follow the examples they have witnessed. And when they behave like those they learned from then they are disciplined and treated horrible.

Years ago I remember hearing I am an adult and a child must do as I say. Of course these was related to discipline. Back then adults felt that what they did was okay but not when the kids did likewise

If we do not put a stop to such erroneous behavior right away then the children will not stand a chance for peace and serenity and for this country to remain free forever.

We should be ashamed if we do not change our ways and protect this precious gift from God.

Monday, June 20, 2016

IN God We Trust

The United States was developed with God in mind. Our Constitution and Freedoms are with Him in mind. But today it is outlawed to mention God at anytime and anywhere.
This morning on Fox News, (6/20/2016), it was reported of a retired airman giving a speech that a deceased man's family ask him to do. When he mentioned God he was thrown out of the service by other servicemen. What is happening to our military, schools, and meetings that God or prayer is forbidden.?
We have a President that appears to be a non-believer of God and will not protect the citizens or the Freedoms given to us by the Constitution. As commander in chief I cannot help but wonder if Obama gave the word that God, faith and Christianity is not to be mention in the Military, Schools or any organization that receives federal money.
We the people must take a stand against the government that has a goal to stop all of us from our faith in God and in ordering that those receiving federal money must stop this, immediately.
To those I have elected, take heed, if you will not protect this nation from outside influences, such as Muslims and Sharia Law, then may God have mercy on your soul and you will not be reelected by this citizen.
Do not believe I am a bigot for I am not. Muslims have a right to practice their religion in this nation, but they do not have the right to say Christians do not, no matter who the Muslims are, President, Congress, or State Legislature.
Readers, I pray that you the citizen of this great nation feel the same way and will go to the polls and vote out those who wish to bury this nation and its freedoms.
Ida Temple

Monday, June 13, 2016

Are we being governed by the Muslim Brotherhood?

Do you believe that Obama is being influenced by his Senior Adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Below, I paraphrased some of the information I found from; (
Valerie Jarrett was born Valerie Bowman to American parents in Shiraz Iran.Jarrette's father had a lengthy FBI file. According to this file, he was a Communist. He communicated with a soviet agent named Alfred Stern in 1950, six years before Valerie Jarrett's birth in 1956. Stern fled the United States after being charged with espionage. He ended up in Cuba where he became an adviser to Fidel Castro.
They also investigated Jarrett's father for being a member of a group that followed the communist party line. Do you believe that Jarett is a communist and advising Obama on governing with this in mind?
Obama and many in Congress have tax-payer paid security for their family and children. As such they do not have to be overly concerned with terrorists.
All true Americans must have the backbone to stand up and elect only those who will protect the citizens and this nation. Those elected must order the Military to bomb any country that harbors and supports such terrorist organizations as Isis and Al-Qaida. It is time for us to take our nation back!Ida TempleMansfield Tea Party

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Violent America

Do you believe that terrorists come to the United States, because like many Americans that commit violent acts, they will seldom be held responsible?
A day does not go by when a news report shows the act of an American committing violence against another.
Often I hear someone say, "kill them." This is said when somebody may disagree or does something that goes against the person speaking.  This is not to say we should not disagree if our opinion is different. But when we preach, especially around children, of a violent act, then how can we condemn terrorists who are following this same logic?
I hate violence and believe that there has to be a better way to solve the many problems facing citizens of this nation. However, we must always be able to defend ourselves whenever another wants to do us harm. Agreed, this could be a violent act. When we do not hold those responsible, then what does this teach a child? Are we saying, "it is okay to behave any way you want!"
I am tired of judges, and others, stating that when a crime is committed, violent or non-violent, we must take into consideration their mental state or how they were raised. When we make excuses, or that jail is not the answer, like the most recent of a Stanford guy raping an unconscious girl, then something is wrong here.
It is time for Congress and a President to support legislation on paying for a new prison for those breaking our laws or committing violence. They must be put away for at least 10 years, period, no exceptions and not serve the full sentence.
How do you feel about this?
Ida Temple

Mansfield Tea Party

Friday, June 10, 2016

Believing in the U.S. Political System

Many of us, the citizens of the United States of America, have lost faith in those who wish to have our votes. Due to the fact that many lie and sell their soul for power, we have become disenchanted with America's Political System. Why?

Could it be because candidates, such as Hillary Clinton, have lied about the wrongs that she committed while in a government position? For instance, Mrs. Clinton lied about using a private email as Secretary of State. And of course, we have our disgraceful President who appears to be for other countries and may be trying to destroy and bring the United States down. 
When we place ourselves above everyone else and refuse to hear advice or agree with someone who may have a good idea or program, then we have become arrogant, selfish, know-it-all. How do we put a stop to this? By staying clear of people with such selfish attitudes.
As most know Donald Trump is running against Hillary Clinton for the highest office in the land, the Presidency. Before choosing we need to look at each of their successes, past problems and how they corrected them, and why they may be capable of being the leader of the greatest nation God ever gave life to a human being in the United States of America.
It is imperative that we the people do not give up or turn our nation over to a selfish, arrogant, know-it-all whose only intentions is to have the power to control others. We must select, (never quit), the person we feel is for "We the People." 
Only when we do the above will the United States of America be looked up to and the world will realize they cannot mess with the United States without dire consequences.
When it comes to selecting a representative, we must research his or her background to learn what they have done or not done for this great nation and its citizens.
Ida Temple
Mansfield Tea Party

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Republican Party Rules

Republican Party to set new rules, soon. They seem to believe that they run this nation. And if the people do not stand up against who they, personally, wish to see in the White House, then we the people lose. This must be stopped.How? We need to go to the streets with signs that read "We the People" not political parties choose who we wish to serve us.Below is the 2016 Resolutions of the Rep. Party. However, these latest rules may have new additions due to the fact that this party does not like the VOTERS choice for the General Election for President. This party or individual does not have the right to tell voters they must choose by what the top dogs of each party say. We are supposed to be a free nation and have the right to choose. That being said it is up to all of us to not allow any party to tell us how we must vote. Do you agree that the Republican higher-ups must be stopped?

Here are the latest rules by the Republican Party. Seems as if they do not honor them, however.,/ri;es-amd resolutions


·        Resolution Opposing A Carbon Tax·        Resolution Condemning The Failed ISIS Foreign Policy Of President Barack Obama And Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton·        A Resolution – Save Christians From Persecution And Genocide·        Resolution Condemning Governmental Overreach Regarding Title IX Policies In Public Schools·        Resolution In Support Of Allowing Military Personnel To Be Armed On All Military Bases And Recruitment Centers

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Political Boyish Behavior

Here we go again, boys being boys! Recently Trump's wife was shown in a comprising position as a model. Trump had to answer back by showing a photo of Cruz's wife.
Here are two boyish men that want to lead this nation. Being crude and behaving in a boyish manner seems to be their way of winning the Presidency. Do they really believe that this behavior will ensure that they are fit for leading this nation?
Who can we trust? It is up to we the people to answer this question. Personally, I still believe Trump is the strongest one of the two. Why? On Fox's Hannity show, Trump was asked if previous statements he made about protecting this nation were true? Trump replied , "Yes", without hesitation.

Trump comes across as a strong-willed person who will stick to the decisions he makes and will do whatever it takes to protect this nation and its citizens from ISIS, illegal immigration, and in providing jobs.Also, we must remember that the Super Pacs, and some in the Republican Party, are starting rumors and negatives against the candidates for personal reasons. And we the people must show these ignorant individuals that citizens run this nation not selfish people!
No matter which one wins, they must stop behaving like boys to reach the White House!

Ida Temple - A Modern Conservative
Mansfield PA

Saturday, April 2, 2016

President Obama Commuted 248 Individuals

So far many individuals have been commuted that were serving a life sentence. Obama wrote a letter to 6 individuals stating;"The power to grant pardons and commutations . . . embodies the basic believe in our democracy deserve a second chance after having made a mistake in their lives that led to a conviction under our laws." (

The above is fine unless they have committed murder. Forgiveness is a great action, but allowing those who murder have the same rights as those alive, or of those that would have been able to live, is against the ten commandments. "You shall not commit murder." (Exodus 20:1-17, NKJV)

We need to stop this type of action before we lose our great nation, The United Stated of America, "one nation under God."

There are times when we seem to forget the above quote. The laws are for all and everybody, alive or deceased, to obey them. That is why we have law enforcement and the justice system. Sadly, today those who break our laws, or do the unthinkable as to committing murder, seemed to excused, (forgiven), from obeying them.

I am by no means innocent of making mistakes or breaking some of our laws or the ten commandments. I would also like to believe that where my family is concerned I would not kill someone. Of course being Irish and German, I probably would not let anybody get away scot free from hurting my family.

However, I have never, nor would I ever commit murder due to insults or any type of physical or mental abuse, to me or my family. An "Eye for an Eye" never solves problems, only brings on more violence.

This was the reason our laws were enacted. We have cops, prosecutors, and judges to make those who break our laws or harm another, to answer for their crimes. 

Ida TempleMansfield PA

Monday, March 28, 2016

Republican and Super Pacs are at it again!

Again the news caters to the Republican Party echelons and the Super Paces as they throw out more dirt on the two candidates vying for the Presidency. The most recent was noted in the tabloid Enquire and then over the news stations.

This opinion piece is directed at Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Stop behaving like children and get down to basics. Tell us, "We the People", what your goals are for protecting the citizens and this nation. If you do not, then you have ensured that the Democratic Party will have the White House again. Please head this warning and start fight for America instead of nit-picking each other.

If you want to win then talk to the voters. This voter is becoming upset with the bickering and boyish behavior of you Mr. Trump and Senator Cruz. I would like to see one of you in office. When you disappoint the citizens, (voters), then you are the loser more so than this United States of America, "United We Stand Divided We fall"!

It is too much for me to repeat here due to the fact I have not one shred of evidence that this latest report is true or not. Spreading rumors does not good for anyone, especially candidates that want the citizens votes for political office.

Ida Temple - The Modern Conservative

Friday, March 25, 2016

Trump Versus Cruz

Here we go again, boys being boys. Recently, Trumps wife, who was a model a few years back, had risqué photos taken of her. It wasn't long before Cruz or one of his representatives sent the photo out for the world to see. And then Trump had to place Cruz's wife's photo next to his wife's photo.

This two who want to lead this nation come across as being crude and will do anything to become elected to the highest position in the United States of America,  the Presidency. Do they really believe this type of adolescent behavior will show their not fit for this great position?

Whom can we trust? I like what Trump said he will do once he is President; Hannity asked him after reading what Trump stated many times during his rallies, and Trump replied, "Yes", without hesitation.

Of course Cruz, as a lawyer, argued to the U.S. Supreme Court on Constitutional matters. So this sort of action may be something we need to consider when choosing who we wish to lead our nation.

No matter which one is chosen, they must always put this nation and its citizens above everything and everyone else. There can be no leeway. I have always believed in comprise unless the comprise brings harm to me or my family. Then all bets are off.

I prefer and trust Donald Trump, because he comes across as being strong on the military, illegal immigration, ISIS, and jobs. As a Christian, I believe in God and those who say Trump is not Christian should refrain from this unless they know him personally. 

The Super Pacs and the Republican Party need to get over themselves and pay attention to the citizens, not to somebody who may be controlling and only out for themselves and the highest office in the land!

Ida Temple
A Modern Conservative

Monday, February 22, 2016

Carrying a Gun

I received an email from the Gun Owners of America organization on this hot subject. Although I do not own a gun, I believe this is one of our basic rights so as to defend ourselves, family, friends, and strangers whenever necessary.

Carrying a GunConstitutional Carry is Law in Almost Twenty Percent of the Country

Any state enacting Constitutional Carry legislation this year will join the eight states which have already paved the way.
Two new states joined the Constitutional Carry “club” in 2015.  These GOA-backed bills were signed into law by the Governors of Kansas and Maine.
These and other important gun rights victories can be seen here in “GOA’s Top Ten in 2015.”

Another Armed Citizen Prevents a Massacre, Gets Ignored by Media
Speaking of concealed carry, there was another mass shooting this month that the media didn’t report on.  
Why not?  Because an armed citizen stopped the shooting in its tracks.
Here’s how the Truth About Guns reported on the shooting which took place at a Louisiana gas station:
[Richard Macklin] pulled out a firearm and opened fire, sending more than a dozen rounds into the crowd. Three were wounded. One of the wounded was armed. He drew his legally carried weapon and fired at Macklin, hitting him in the head and stopping the attack. 
Kudos to the brave defender who took incoming fire, held his ground and fired back -- saving the lives of his friends.
Regardless, you can be sure that President Obama will still continue to claim these types of self-defense incidents never happen.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Delegates and the Presidential Race

The table below lists the number of pledged Republican delegates that will have been allocated as of each primary or caucus date. The candiate that receives the majority of their party's delegates wins the nomination. 1,237.
[hide]Republican delegate counts by primary or caucus date, 2016
Election dateStatesNumber of pledged delegates at stakeRunning totalPercentage of pledged delegates allocated as of this date
2/9/2016New Hampshire20502.13%
2/20/2016South Carolina501004.26%
3/1/2016Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming62875832.31%
3/5/2016Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine14690438.53%
3/6/2016Puerto Rico2092439.39%
3/8/2016Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan. Mississippi1381,06245.27%
3/12/2016Guam, Washington, D.C.221,08446.21%
3/15/2016Florida, Illinois, Missouri. North Carolina, Northern Mariana Islands, Ohio3551,43961.34%
3/19/2016Virgin Islands61,44561.59%
3/22/2016American Samoa, Arizona, Utah1041,54966.03%
4/3/2016North Dakota251,57467.09%
4/19/2016New York921,70872.80%
4/26/2016Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island1631,87179.75%
5/10/2016Nebraska, West Virginia641,98984.78%
6/7/2016California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota2912,346100.00%

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Justice Antonin Scalia

Today, 2/20/2016, was Justice Scalia's mass and funeral. His son, a priest, presided over the mass and funeral. How difficult it must have been.

Many were in attendance, but one. President Obama refused to honor this great man who sacrificed his life and family so as to serve this nation. Maybe it is true, Obama is not a citizen of the United States of America? Could this be why Obama and his cronies are trying to bring this nation down?

This is the year to elect a new President. We must vote in the primary so as to pick the right person who will honor the Constitution and protect this country; not allow another like Obama, arrogant and who wishes to destroy this country and our Constitution.

It is time to choose the right American to lead this nation for others to follow and copy, again!

Ida Temple


Friday, January 29, 2016

Republican Debate without Trump

January 29, 2016
Last night the Republican debate was more about the issues than being focused on Donald Trump. I do not know if Trump made a date to speak to the Veterans on this same date, but if so he won out, I have a feeling. Most of what Trump does and says makes sense until he becomes insensitive to another or talks down to people.
Of all the candidates in last night's debate, I favor Gov. Chis Christie. He is not afraid of saying how he sees things and does it without insulting another, except for Hillary Clinton. She does not deserve respect from "we the people", nor do be elected President. If elected she will be no different than Obama or Bernie Sanders, a socialist. Both of these candidates want students to receive free college, health insurance, as well as many other things. Do you believe, as I do, that this would be the first step in becoming a Dictatorship country like Cuba and China?
Our constitution was written to keep Congress and the President in line. And iof today's candidates follow Obama's way they will not only not follow the foundations of our nation but will dissolve the Constitution. We the people must not allow this to happen.


Sunday, January 3, 2016


January 3, 2016 - When Obama, ( I refuse to call Obama our President), returns to the White House he might use the Executive Action for Gun Control. Below is an update on the current law in existence provided by Politico.
Currently, the law says people who sell guns with the “principal objective of livelihood and profit” have to get a dealer’s license through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — and therefore conduct a background check on buyers no matter where they sell, including online or at a gun show. I wonder if most applicants will be turned down by the above agency just to appease Obama?
Taken from the White House site that showed Obama in 202 remarking on the gun violence that has taken place. "“If there is even one step we can take to save another child, or another parent, or another town, from the grief that has visited Tucson, and Aurora, and Oak Creek, and Newtown, and communities from Columbine to Blacksburg before that -- then surely we have an obligation to try.”
It's true the USA must do more about the overwhelming violence that has taken place in the past ten years. However, the best solution, in my humble opinion, is to hire more border agents and police around the country. Sadly that will be tough since the criminals complain on how bad they are treated by cops.
Why is it the news and some citizens complain about bad cops but seldom if ever about those committing violent protest, destroying business and killing innocent people?
The best background checks in the country will not stop criminals and murderers from getting guns. Criminals and murderers will either steal them or convince a friend, such as what happened recently in San Bernadino, California, to buy guns and then turn them over, such as took place there, in the murder of innocent people at a company party, took place.
We make excuses for horrible behavior from childhood through adulthood. The most common excuse is mental problems. Seldom if ever has today's parents taken responsible on how they raised their child. My answer to this, when your child shows aggression, temper tantrums, or violence towards others, then maybe they need to seek help from a professional to learn why their child behaves that way.
For those who ask, no I do not have children. I saw how tough it was for my mother and how she gave 24/7 to love and nourish us. I, being so independent and selfish, decided that was not for me. For those parents who do this today, I applaud you and may God Bless you.